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Wednesday 24 August 2011


What a pile of smurf. I don't want to bore you with the details and intricacies of how fucking poor this film is, but here's a few things for you to consider.

I was, until the end credits, vehemently unaware that Katy Perry voiced Smurfette. That makes the "I kissed a smurf and I liked it" joke plumet from awful to just plain disgraceful and vomit inducing. I don't know who wrote the script for the film - but I hope for their sake that they used a pseudonym, because lines like that will haunt you for the rest of your career.

She can be excused.

It also has Hank Azaria (you know, David from friends/every Simpson character ever) as Gargamel (sp), and the majority of the film's comic relief comes via his shortcomings. There's also a starring role offered to Neil Patrick Harris, who I've always had my issues with (not the gay thing, that's fine), he's just always struck me as a massive cock who can't really act.

When I get sad, I stop watching the shit films/shows you're in. True story bro!

There's not much to say about the Smurfs - it's a pretty much exactly like you would imagine a Smurf's movie to be like. Also, it's in 3D; which fucking blows anyway, but they must have been particularly poor in post production because the NY Skyline and most buildings have a horrible blur around them for the majority of the film. That, twinned with the fucking song, had me almost suicidal by the end of the 90 minutes and leaning towards empathising with that Gargamouth dude.

To give it credit, it did have me sharply exhaling at points with some gooooorgeously meta-post-modern-homage jokes that were clearly aimed at adults who brought their kids (or in my case, 20 year old girlfriend) to keep them happy during the long summer months.


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